One thing I am feeling some apprehension about is curriculum. Knowing that Bee isn't at his year level for Maths and English I am working hard to be prepared for this year.
I am currently (re)acquainting myself with the Western Australian Year 7-10 Syllabus. I am looking at the ABLE section of the WA Curriculum and using the SCSA scope and sequence for each subject area and looking for where Bee is roughly at.
I already have a number of resources on hand, so I will plan around what I already have before buying anything more. I will be doing my best to keep track of the resources we use - viewable on the "Resources" tab at the top of the page.
I'm hoping to buy an iPad to set up in the new year that will have our curated list of YouTube channels and various apps for learning, recording and supports. The problem we faced with DE was the amount of time required sitting in front of the computer each day. I want to provide a variety resources, tools, platforms to suit Bee's learning and interests. Our reasoning for home-schooling was to have more flexibility in providing this.
I have begun drafting a basic term planner. It is beneficial for us with allied health appointments to follow school term dates. Bee is interested in the Australian taxation system and what he needs to know for when he starts work, so I think we will start the year with the ATO online Work Ready course and perhaps also the MyFuture careers profile.
I must admit it is overwhelming and exciting all at the same time, and I'm looking forward to the opportunities this year may present us on this journey.