Friday, April 12, 2024

Week Nine


It was a busy start to the week as we prepared for our first family holiday in a decade. Between allied health appointments and packing it was already Wednesday and time to fly.

Bee was highly anxious as there were so many unknown variables with this trip. He was worried about his sleep, the flight, having safe foods, being away from home and being in a big city.

Bee navigated all of the new experiences quite well. We attended some comedy shows, ate out at a variety of restaurants and admired the architecture whilst roaming the city. 

One of our key destinations was ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image). The centre has an amazing display of historical and contemporary pieces celebrating moving imagery, showcasing several pieces from Australian cinema, television and gaming. 

Bee was mostly interested in the optical illusions and displays for some Australian developed games which included sketches and outlines for story development. He also took an interest in some of the prosthetic pieces on display.

This trip gave Bee an opportunity to see a glimpse of the wider world and enjoy new experiences. There were definite times where he was overwhelmed and finding it difficult to communicate his needs in that moment, but there were also times he was able to overcome some of these difficulties without our intervention. 

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