Monday, June 10, 2024



A better start to the week. Bee has taken an interest in creating some videos and graphics. So we started the week with an introduction to Shotcut and Canva. He was pretty overwhelmed by some of the technical aspects of using these applications, so small steps. Bee has a tendency of becoming impatient and frustrated when he doesn't pick up new skills straight away. He wants to be an instant expert in any new interest, which can be tricky. 

Bee chose 1984 by George Orwell at the book shop the other day. So far he has only flicked through it, but it is the first time in years he has chosen a book for himself. 

Bee also enjoyed some games of pool with us this week, first time in a while he has wanted to. We also went to the library to find out what resources are available for us. We have been looking through the audiobooks available on some of the apps.

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