Monday, May 6, 2024

Rethinking School & PDA


The start of the week Bee was still unwell. It gave me a chance to catch up on a heap of webinars from The PDA Space Summit

Although I did not feel I had learnt anything particularly new, I found it really helpful to hear the different perspectives from individuals who have a PDA profile, advocates, educators and professionals on the topic. I definitely came away more confident and reinvigorated.

For Bee something came up in therapy that he isn't ready to discuss with me yet, so I decided this is not the week to put forward my ideas for how to change up his learning. After everything from the webinar I felt it would be best to give him some time to recuperate from being ill and space to figure out what is going on in his mind. 

We listened to a podcast about evolution with Dr Richard Dawkins.  

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