Saturday, May 11, 2024

Week 4


The whole house had the flu this week. I managed to broach the subject of school work with Bee, who is finding it difficult to see the value in most things he deems to be "school" related. His logic is that if he wants to learn about something he simply will when he needs or wants to. I tried to explain that he needs a certain level of numeracy and literacy for work and that it isn't always the content of "school" but rather the processes that teach critical and creative thinking skills. On the topic of maths he said he hasn't enjoyed the maths we have been doing so far and I reminded him that we had been doing worksheets so I can ascertain where we need to focus. He seemed to take that on board and I have left him to consider what I have said. 

We did listen to a podcast about The Great Barrier Reef with Dr Helen Scales.

Thursday was Occupational Therapy day.

We also had a reproductive health discussion on Friday. 

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